Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Software Quality (3)

In my previous two posts (here and here), I've briefly touched some hot subjects:

  • Quality from the user perspective and how important it is to sales. I've presented  some types of issues that hinder smooth customer experience.
  • Internal quality as a requirement for sustainable product development. I've asserted that customer-perceived quality cannot be sustained for long on a shaky ground.
  • We've seen a nightmare scenario that could happen if a well defined and rigorously followed quality management process is not in place. I've showed how this could lead to excessive overtime, slowed-down development, higher costs, lower morale, a bill many times paid by future development.
  • In the footnotes, I've showed that quality is a focus of all true professionals and how true professionals openly discuss and defend their principles.

In this post I will discuss (self) discipline as a basis for building great products and productive environments. I will also describe some practices that the software industry at large uses to attain sustainable quality, thus increasing employee self-esteem and customer happiness.

As software applications become more and more pervasive, penetrating deeply into our lives, so is the increased concern for high reliability and excellent experience. Software market is a very mature place, with a lot of competitors striving to sell roughly similar products to increasingly demanding customers. Concerns with quality began few decades ago, when human life was put for the first time in the hands of software driven machines: think airplanes, rockets, cars, only to name a few. Since then, the talk about reliability has moved to desktop applications, servers, phones - basically, everything you can think of. Of course, the processes needed to ensure bug-free software-driven life support systems are different then those needed to put rapidly on the market a state-of-the-art entertainment application, but they all have something in common: attention to detail, discipline and commitment to excellence.


Maintaining quality is a long-running, tedious process, that demands strength to resist the temptation to bend the rules to finish your work faster. It is very difficult to achieve, as the pressure is high from all sides and the rationale behind sticking to processes is not always apparent and understood by everyone. Even more, the results of applying quality management principles cannot be predictably foreseen, as, if everything goes smooth, no problem arise and people may feel that they spent more work and more money on something that cannot be actually measured. Disaster strikes only if quality is not managed properly, but it strikes later, after glorious results have been shown off and, of course, then, something else can be found to blame. (I use the word "managed" but I don't refer only to managers. Indeed, they should create a framework for people to have courage to defend and encourage the quality of their work but everyone should be held accountable for his/her deeds.)

Discipline manifests in three ways:

  • Sticking to tedious processes that, at times, seem only to make the development harder.
  • Taking time to challenge our work and the processes even in times of crisis (Kaizen). 
  • Sticking to your principles and processes even when external pressure occurs.
  • Working constantly, planning and following plans throughout the entire duration of the project. Indeed, it seems very hard to focus after a difficult ending and when the deadline is two-three years ahead, when requirements will definitely change and people fear their effort will be in vain. It's difficult to explain and find the heart to undertake hard work from day one, yet this is precisely why many projects are delayed, quality is decreased and frustration accumulates. It is very tough, requires thinking ahead, a strong heart and discipline.

In the decades since software management established itself as a full fledged science, processes matured and many companies found ways to ensure enduring quality of their products. More and more, developers become aware of the impact their production discipline has and start to take pride in the sustaining quality of their work, instead of their quick hacks to a local solution. As success stories hit the headlines, we start asking ourselves how they did it.

In the next paragraphs I will discuss mostly from the programmer's perspective, but the same rules can be extrapolated to both design and art and even to project management itself.

Where does the programming time go?

Here is an astonishing fact, that every developer can confirm: each programmer spends up to 80-90% of his/her time not writing code, but trying to understand what he/she or his/her predecessors have done before. Many times he/she fails to understand all facets and introduce subtle bugs.

Digging through sources is, most of the time, a tedious and not rewarding activity. Thus, optimizing by 50% the time spend searching is something that could radically improve life of programmers and has visible results on the budget. Yet this is hard to recognize, because, after spending so much time understanding what others have done, programmers feel the pressure to quickly get out of there by hacking their way to a solution to report a success to their managers (see also The Broken Window Effect). In a culture where re-factoring is not understood, it is difficult to explain why we need the extra time. After all, the results may be even worse and more spaghetti layers added to the already overwhelming complexity. I can even say that full re-engineering of a poorly written module that has thousands of lines of code is so difficult, that we'd better not touch it. Is there an escape? I think so.

Testing and re-factoring:

Some time ago, I read a paper from Microsoft that said that there are only two effective ways to increase quality of code. One is peer code reviews and the other is permanent testing. Many procedures have been created to make room for these and, as time passes, more and more companies embrace test driven development (TDD), pair programming, scrum and other agile methodologies. Even in companies known for not applying agile principles, code reviews executed by peers or by an external audit committee are performed. The outcome of these practices is constant re-factoring. In a word, the code is not left to rot. It is constantly updated and adjusted to the latest specifications.

Is there a point to undertake massive re-factorings at once? I'd be very cautious about that. The risk of  getting a bigger mess or exchange one mess for another is extremely high. However, I am strongly advocating constant, small, incremental updates. When a programmer finds something that starts to rot, he must update it on the spot, not hack something else on top of it. This constant improvement will not change the software into something better over night, but will cultivate a sense of pride and a mentality of constant improvement, shifting the focus from hacking. After all, constant improvement is the second most important trait of real professionals after sharing knowledge with their peers. (Anyway, the two are very much linked and roughly two facets of the same trait).

Code reviews:

The vehicle to encourage re-factoring and sharing is peer code reviews. Two or more developers gather in front of a computer and the programmer just about to commit his/her sources explains to the rest what he has done and why he took the decisions he took. Then the audience suggests a number of changes and the code is committed after the they have been made.

It is very important to understand the benefits of code reviews and the programmer not to take it as he is verified. He is not. He just shares to the world his solution and spreads his knowledge. It is a time of joy, socialization and pride. He is challenged on points he might not have thought of. He is challenged to respect coding standards and, by verbalizing his solution while going once again through his work, he, many times, discovers bugs he might not easily find otherwise. (I've experienced myself code reviews and I was surprised to uncover bugs I've introduced, bugs that, otherwise, would have haunted me later when found by QA).

Code review is very powerful but, unfortunately, some people are stopped by their egos to practice it. In the professional world, such egos should not surface but, since ego is a human trait, it should be taken into consideration. Code reviews are not places for showing off nor evaluation sessions. They are fun gatherings since they basically are just a bunch of professionals discussing what they do and love the most. They also create personal bonds and disseminate knowledge.

Regarding the time investment, usually a code review lasts for something between 10 to 30 minutes, when conducted by 2-3 programmers. At an average of 15 minutes, that means 3 * 15 = 45 minutes, 3/4 man-hours. Consider that, if you find a bug in 2-3 sessions, finding it, testing it, fixing it, regressing it is, by far, more expensive, without considering the other benefits (clean-up, knowledge transfer, bonding, which are harder to measure)


Up until now, we've seen how work discipline is important, what are the most difficult aspects to creating a disciplined working environment but how it positively impacts production. We've also touched re-factoring code, bringing it up to date and code reviews. In the next chapters, I will talk about other vehicles to ensure enduring quality of our products, starting from the base level - the production itself:
  • Working outside the main branch
  • The benefits of test driven development (two clients for the same code); white/black box testing
  • Short compilation and start-up times
  • Prototype-and-improve cycles
  • Scrum and quality management
  • A process for quality management
  • Case study: radical approach: one day per week, developer self managed time
  • Lean thinking

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