Monday, December 27, 2010

Team Building Exercise

Here is a small exercise that can be done during a team building, with the following purpose:
  • Increase team cohesion and trust
  • Identify a set of common strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats to us, as a team
  • Get the pulse of how happy people are with what we do everyday: job and personal fulfillment
  • Identify a set of blocking beliefs and find ways to look at things from a different perspective
  • Identify an area to improve until the end of the project
  • Setup a SMART objective and make a plan to achieve it, that we can intertwine with the project schedule
Team buildings are great opportunities to discuss other topics beside the day to day activities because they provide the location, time and relaxation needed to touch deeper subjects like "happiness", "growth", "connection". I think that only by bringing these subjects to the table people can identify common concerns and glue together as a team to plan and overcome difficulties. Only by talking openly there is a chance that work, life quality in the office and meaning will improve. Of course, actions must be taken but, initiating the talk is the first step.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Charity

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An initiative by two of my dearest friends: Razvan and Corina.

It is about bringing gifts (footwear and winter clothes) to poor children in an orphanage in Bucharest.

Charity really happens

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Compromise sticks and spreads

Nobody wants to write poor code or dig through it, yet, somehow, it happens. It all begins with a requirement or a prototype that needs to be developed fast in order to obtain a validation. Management and designers like it, it hits the deadline. You are congratulated for your success.  Up until now, everything is as it should be. This is how prototypes should be developed.

Then a new requirement comes. "Wait! I've only created a quick hack!" But the prototype works and you've already been congratulated and the second deadline is coming fast. You promise yourself that you are going to fix it as soon as possible, but the very day that you check-in, you and other people start adding layers after layers over it and change never happens. It could be that the feature is perfectly engineered and polished at first but, as new code is added on top of it, the original is never truly reworked, so it slowly starts to rot.

The project becomes more and more difficult to maintain and grow. Morale gets down, quality gets down, and productivity gets down, self esteem gets down, will for self improvement gets down. Some people even leave their jobs. Even if some teams actually start by cleaning up their previous mess and bring again the code to a better state, it is a onetime process, that happens only once in a few months or years. Being a one time, massive scale endeavor, the result has high chances to only end up as a different mess.

When one makes a compromise, it sticks. And then, another compromise is needed to cover the previous one. Debts start to gather in and, in the end; the debt is so high that one realizes that he/she will never ever cover it. And the process keeps on going and accumulates more and more debts, until everything becomes so expensive in terms of money and people that we need to throw everything away and start again. 


I think it all has some simple root causes:
  • People develop in isolation. They don't talk so they don't have the chance to unite for quality.
  • No code reviews.
  • No frequent informal verbal exchanges.
  • Rigid planning, commitments to feature lists instead of quality.
  • Bugs are not fixed immediately as they appear and, instead, are postponed to "debug periods", and often scheduled only at the end of the project.
  • Interruptions of any kind.

Lack of communication and rigid planning make prototyping lose its core purpose, as it is perceived as feature complete when it is merely a quick proof of concept. Developing in isolation makes it difficult for people to say "STOP, we need to change this" and management never truly gets to the bottom of problems to fix them.

Do we really need to start from scratch?

A very good friend said to me yesterday that, in nature, something has to die in order for a species to evolve. But how does this translate to software development? Does this mean that we need to start from scratch in order to evolve? Always?

I don't think so or, at least, it should not happen unless a major technological breakthrough occurs that renders everything else obsolete. I believe that software needs only to be released in order to evolve. It needs clean, frequent releases and then it needs mutations. We, programmers, call them "refactorings". I will stress this again: in order to evolve, software needs to be cleaned up before the release - no debts to the next iteration. And we need a culture that embraces change and mutations. 

Beside internal clean-up, these releases should also reach their customers (editorial teams, designers, beta testers) in order to get their feedback and adjust the feature list for the next iteration. A release without customers is tough to justify (close to pointless) and it's a pity to put in so much effort and not take the opportunity to do some user testing. After all, evolution needs feedback in order not to generate monstrosities. 

To sum up, a healthy development process should accommodate short term iterations consisting of:
  • Detailed planning based on a roughly detailed feature list
  • Actual implementation; communication among developers, peer reviews
  • Debugging and stabilization - no debts for the future, all bugs are fixed
  • Sign-off by QA
  • Release to customers for feedback
  • Communicate status, negotiate features and deadlines, incorporate feedback, and discuss how we can improve the process so that the next iteration gets better.
Managers don't manage people

Another thing I realized, no matter how shocking it sounds, is that managers don't manage people. They manage processes. People buy in and start adding value or they don't. You can assign tasks but you can't really force anyone to complete them. Therefore, the notion of "motivating an employee" makes no sense, really.  He/she is either motivated or not. What you can do, however, is create an environment that appeals to the employees, so they get excited about their job and become productive. And this is the really tricky part. 

Quality from the user's perspective

Indeed, the only thing that matters to sales is how the product is perceived by its customer. Nothing else. Code doesn't matter, as it is invisible. Code only matters to the production people. If it is crappy, it ruins the life of the men and women involved in its production. It turns them away from the product, productivity drops, conflict sets in, and motivation goes away. Yet this does not impact sales directly; it impacts everything else. 

Getting back to process - Planning

I'll make a small detour from the quality issues to examine planning, as the core activity that drives project to completion. In the following paragraphs, I will present the normal planning method with its advantages and disadvantages and how it can be applied. After understanding planning, I will get back and show how to transition to methods that are more appropriate to ensuring quality in software.

Everything in a project revolves around plans and planning. Planning is a continuous process, plans change as requirements change, conditions change and understanding grows. Visibility and vision is based on plans. Communication with stakeholders is based on the same plans; resources are requested just the same. Commitments are based on plans. Monitoring and controlling is based on plans. Strategies are based on plans. Planning and plans - everywhere. Yet some managers either don't take planning seriously or they don't iterate on already made plans to adjust them. Why? 

The answer is quite simple and straight forward (order of bullets is irrelevant):
  • In the early stages of the project making informed plans is really hard and it seems that we can do better off without them. After all, it is easy to get people to do something tangible now.
  • Some engineers and designers are reluctant to planning as well (especially if they are not used with the process) and managers don't want to deal with this kind of issues up front.
  • In the late stages of the project we are so busy putting up fires, escalating issues, requesting resources, fixing and dispatching bugs that we can't stop to plan. 
  • Superficial planning is hard to spot therefore allow your plans to be challenged by the stakeholders and the team.
  • Planning requires going back to the same document, ripping it off and doing it again many times. It's difficult to change everything when you worked so hard on it. Over and over again.
  • Some feel that planning is a waste of time: things seem to work without plans at first.
  • Some managers (former star employees) are so used to actively solve issues that have      visible impact on the project that, when they are required to stop and think about the future, they feel it is useless. Why? Because to them plans seem to be only coloured excel sheets, without a tangible impact on the outcome of their project.
  • Planning is a costly activity and some organizations or teams may naively try to eliminate it as waste. Planning is costly because it involves not only the manager, but the whole team or, at least, the most senior part of the team.
  • If not properly communicated, a plan means a commitment which seems hard to make and changed later.

How to plan? 

For starters, I will assume that we already have some visibility on the sales volume, on the budget and on the release date. Let's assume the mandate sounds something like: "We need a project that will generate roughly X units sold and that will be released around the Y date. It should cost somewhere around Z monetary units." I will assume that there is historical information in the company about this kind of project and that the constraints are reasonable. Also, probably most important of all, we have some good visibility on the project deliverables and core features - that means that we are well advanced through Step 1 (Project Goals) and Step 2 (Project Deliverables) described in the link above.

Top-down approach - project schedule:

1) We know the release date and the budget, therefore we can establish quite easily the major milestones and the resource ramp-up (based on historical information, common sense and available technology).

2) Start drilling down and get a list of raw features and core activities for each milestone. 

For preproduction (research phase) we allow room for exploration, namely we select few core features (technical and design breakthroughs) that we are going to develop further.
For production, based on the already made list of features and the vision that we have at this point, we create a macro Gantt chart that displays all the major activities, with resources assigned and time frame. This estimation takes into consideration the following: rough duration, rough vision and feature value in the overall economy of the project.
Then, when the actual implementation is soon to be started, PM, design and engineers start refining the implementation so that it fits the allocated budget.
In order to ensure quality, buffers are embedded either inside the activities or/and special periods are allocated during the entire process for stabilization and debugging.
Ideally, the plan should fit on a single computer screen or whiteboard, so that the PM and all team members have clear visibility on where they are and what comes next, by a single look. Also, this coarse granularity allows flexibility for later issues. And let's don't forget that, after a certain level of detail, the amount or work required to reschedule and re-plan can be quite a challenge. 

Advantages of the method:

  • Visibility - great communication tool. Very easy to understand even by an outsider.
  • Not very hard to develop (it is all based on honest estimates, seen from the top) - yes,      the planning itself should be seen as a separate project conducted by the project manager and have all the team and stakeholders involved. Again, keep it simple.
  • Accurate in terms of feature relevance - more important features are given more time      and more resources in the total economy of the project.
  • The plan is small and easy to track and change.
  • Mitigates some of the pitfalls of the pure waterfall method, as it allows room for changes down the stream - features are not detailed until close to their implementation.
  • More important features are put in first.
  • Dependencies are easy to spot and taken into consideration.
  • Resources are easily leveled and their need understood.

Possible pitfalls:

  • Distribution of effort in front of the deadlines (tendency):

Rough distribution of effort over time
(Effort increases substantially as the deadline approaches) 

  • The plan is long term. Even if at one point the team commits honestly to respect the schedule, this commitment erodes in time, especially after problems arise. If the process for re-planning does not involve the team again, some people will feel the plan was sloppy from the first place, some will remain committed to the previous iteration while others will feel that the project is not firmly lead - after all, new requirements are added or tasks are exceeding their allocated time. Even if everything works fine, still the commitment erodes and some will try to break the boundaries. Commitment needs to be reaffirmed from time to time.
  • People may feel that there is time. Initially the requirements are fuzzy and the tendency is to underestimate them.
  • People may feel that there is room for sloppiness because of the buffers (especially if      the plan is not that detailed). Project is long, we have all the time in the world, and we can afford to be less disciplined. Milestones may be treated with discontent and some may even feel that they are added there only because it's good to have milestones. Again, because of the long time, people feel that there is no real pressure in the beginning. As initial task allocations are exceeded, a sense of poor quality spreads (broken windows).
  • If iterations are added to plan, because we know how many iterations will be, the first ones may be treated superficially. 
  • Some creative people will invoke the time allocated for tuning and debug at the end to over saturate the project with features. They will always claim there is time for debug, to favour putting features in - ( Beside the risk at which the project is exposed, this also creates tension in the team.
  • It is harder to enforce quality bars. Outside debugging periods, bugs tend to creep in (after all, why are the debug periods scheduled unless to fix bugs?!) and, because it is hard to break the time commitments advertised to all stakeholders, project management may feel that the quality is good enough for the time being and that it can be fixed later. Just the same, it is hard to drop features if they were initially incorporated into the plan and some people grew attachment to them.
  • Even though we try to retrofit the design and implementation on the initial estimate, many times it shows that the original estimate it just too short to be useful.
  • Feature value changes during development. 
  • Historical records show that, initially, most plans have much more features scheduled      then available in the release version. As project matures naturally, the number of features decreases dramatically and focus shifts to bringing core elements to perfection. Rigid plans are an obstacle in front of this natural selection process.
  • New requirements will appear and we need to plan for them, even if they are uncertain in the beginning.

Some hints to apply (which worked for me):
  • Clearly state that the plan is “tentative” and that it is subject to modifications.
  • Allow room for iterations
  • Commit only to what you know you can respect
  • Estimate risks on each element
  • Use it to derive a cut list when delays occur and estimate impact of delays
  • Detail as you advance through the plan
  • Release often to customers. Plan for intermediate releases to be used as benchmarks against the plan.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Software Quality (4)

In my previous post, I started a quick pass through the most common methods for ensuring quality at the lowest level: the day to day production activities. My assumption is that, if we are able to maintain a high level of quality throughout the entire development process, we will end up with a better, easier to maintain product, sustainable over several generations, and, as a side effect, a happier team.

We need to find cost-effective, lightweight processes, that maximize ROI. These processes should, ideally, not increase the number of collateral activities required, but, instead, should provide some easy to implement practices, acknowledged by everyone as valuable. Only by acquiring consensus, coupled with self discipline, they will be maintained when the pressure sets in. I am talking about a way of working that  should ensure:

  • Better understanding of the quality level; clear visibility for everyone of what has been correctly done and what are the current issues
  • Predictable results
  • Increased return of investment (see footnote 1) 

A healthy development process should also have positive side effects:

  • Shorter develop-prototype-test cycles (2)
  • Better spreading of knowledge throughout the team
  • Increased ownership and pride
  • Friendlier environment
  • A better distribution of effort throughout the entire length of the project

Some practices are team-wise, while others are linked to self management and can be employed even without a team-spread acknowledged process (3).

Working outside the product code - a workbench for rapid iterations:

Few things are as annoying as frequent interruptions or uncovering poor quality work that you have to deal with - like digging through messy code that has side-effects. These usually happen in a large code base, that has high coupling between components or that starts very slow. These two symptoms work hand in hand and, I think, are the biggest two impediments to constant re-factoring and team morale (starting slow leads to fewer runs which means less testing and fewer recompilations, which, in turn, means that programmers won't spend time improving existing code and will only add new layers on top of it). On the other hand, small applications have a very short modify-run-test cycle, that allows them to mature quickly and with fewer bugs. However, this advantage is usually lost in time, as the code and data gets bigger and bigger.

Is it possible to maintain the advantages of extremely short iterations over time? One solution that can often be applied is to isolate development from the main product, something that can be done easier especially when coding a new feature from scratch. The main goal would be to eliminate as much as possible the interruptions, by initially constructing a sandbox that (9):

  • Compiles and starts fast
  • Allows to write dirty modifications and test them incrementally
  • Allows to re-factor constantly what has been written, without impacting the rest of the code
  • Allows to focus only on new code, without worrying about other changes

Such a sandbox should allow very short prototype-compile-start-test-modify cycles. Even one at 2-3 lines of code modified - priceless! A programmer could hack test cases directly into the dev-code and run them tens of times a day to see the effects of his latest additions. He could easily re-factor everything until he is fully satisfied with the results (4):

  • Code that gets fast prototype-improved cycles matures faster.
  • When integrated, it has very few bugs because it was extensively tested and went through. 
  • Keeping the development sandbox in sync with future additions permits to quickly check future bugs and ensure consistency in time.
  • The amount of dependencies to existing system is kept to a minimum. The code becomes self-contained, reusable.
  • Having more than one client for your code (5) requires that boundaries are well cut an clear. This helps maintain the code clean, as artificial dependencies cannot be created. 

Sometimes it is not possible to work outside the main product. Many times, the code has been developed directly inside the main branch and, therefore, the amount of dependencies to other areas is so big that they cannot be decoupled. In the rush of development, it is very easy to create artificial links and not maintain clean cuts between modules, just because there is no system in place to enforce these boundaries. After all, it compiles! (6)

When developing outside the main branch, this kind of borders are naturally enforced by the development system, thus they cannot be crossed easily. However, if the development sandbox is not kept in sync with future additions and boundaries are not enforced further, dependencies will start to spread and the system will start to decay (7).

Test Oriented Development

In my previous paragraphs, I basically described an approach that resembles somehow to test driven development (TDD). It allows programmers to develop their code in separate applications (or test cases), iterate fast to get results fast and then integrate when ready. If these test cases are run and maintained throughout development, the benefits could be even higher as they require that the code is written in a modular fashion, they serve as test-bed for new features and bug-hunting and, equally important, they can be used as an entry point to understand functionality. 

I will not get into more details regarding TDD, as I have not practiced it first-hand beyond what I've described above, but I think that great attention should be put into integrating automated testing during the production phase and, equally important, to find a framework and a state of mind within the team that fosters quality at this level, even in times of great pressure. Sometimes it may seem like a chore that tests need to be maintained as well but, at least from my perspective, it is easier and cheaper to maintain tests or develop functionality outside the main product then to dive into unknown, hacky code, that has side effects and unexpected links to other obscure areas. 

Some may argue that this kind of test oriented development is not suited for all sorts of tasks and I agree. From what I've seen, however, I believe that greenfield development can be isolated from the main branch at least in its initial phases (be it UI or network or anything else). And, although the initial phases have passed, why not try to keep this isolation further and also maintain the sandbox in a working state? It can be used as a priceless testbed for future development and regression testing.

Other disciplines need fewer interruptions and rapid prototyping as well:

In order to spread the benefits of rapid iterations, the team should foster the development of such tools that require that the designers, programmers, artists restart the game (or the product at large) as few times as possible as fast as possible. The best development tool for a designer or for an artist is that one that allows him to see his work directly inside the engine, live, as he performs his changes. This would allow him to prototype as much as possible, ideally continuously.  It is essentially the same need that programmers have regarding their code. Example of such tools include editors that have accelerated, game-identical, simulation capabilities, live connections to 3DS Max, tuning tools that connect to the running game, live editors. The shorter the produce-export-test cycle is, the more time is left for iterations and more time the team has to creatively play and improve the product.

On the other hand, a lot of bugs appear because, during frequent changes, something is lost on the way. Very useful are the tools that automatically validate integrity before the asset gets into the game. The more checks the better and, therefore, such tools should be developed and spread to other teams as well, reducing implementation cost through sharing of technology and knowledge.

Similar processes to TDD should be implemented in the art and design departments, to ensure fewer bugs at release time, less overtime and a clearer picture of where the project stands. Activities that support high quality also help spread the knowledge and reuse of existing and well tested modules. Code / asset reviews, tools that verify content, tests, using 3rd party APIs, creating sand-boxes, may seem, sometimes, as to provide an additional burden, but in the end, if applied wisely, should decrease effort, decrease costs and unleash creativity.


The more iterations the better the product has the chances to be. The lowest level at which a developer can iterate is the source code or asset production. When people iterate very fast, they can try new things, have less fear of failure and their work product is better tested and crafted. Even more, the productivity loss and frustration associated with going in and out of flow is diminished. Coupled with discipline and peer reviews, constant iteration and continuous testing is key to attaining high quality, both during day-to-day activities and, at a higher level, feature and product-wise.


Although sometimes difficult to see from the developer's seat, a healthy development process has the tendency to accumulate value as it rolls on. I assimilate positive practices to a snow-ball: they are difficult to establish in the first place but they grow in value faster and faster as the team acquires more and more success stories (8).

Some practices will not be seen as valuable by all the team from the very beginning. As such, they need to be implemented in less stressful times, when people are more prepared to try new things. Their value is usually seen in time, after they have become established methods, adapted to each organization. Feedback from the team is very important, as it removes implementation barriers and increases commitment to respecting the new ways. I think that, when implementing such changes in methodology, to understand that there isn't a-size-that-fits-everyone solution. Therefore, management and people should invest time and thought into finding the right way of adapting industry proven practices to their line of work, through collaboration, based on common goals. (Our Iceberg Is Melting)

In the following post I will depart from the code level perspective, and reach into some  higher level management frameworks:
  • Scrum and quality management (two previous posts here)
  • A process for quality management, that includes test driven development, white-box testing and black-box testing (mixing developers with testers and making testers part of the development team).
  • Case study: radical approach: one day per week, developer self managed time
  • Lean thinking
  • The importance of having all the team experience the product first hand, as its first beneficiaries (play the game!)


(1) The production cost should decrease, both on the short run and on the lung run, by diminishing the need for suffocating debug periods right before the deadlines and turnover. Even more, remember that 80% of programming time is lost into digging and trying to understand what their predecessors have done. Decreasing this 80% should definitely reduce project costs or allow for more improvements.

(2) Actually, a well implemented quality strategy should have the side effect of prototype-ability. That is, a product that allows new changes to be integrated, tested and removed quickly, without major side-effects. 

To achieve that, the number of extra activities that are needed to prepare the prototype should be decreased to a minimum. That can be done only if the code is well understood by everyone: concise, clean and modular. I will not get into the details of what clean code is, but I'd like to recommend two books on the matter: one is "The Pragmatic Programmer" and the other one is "Clean Code". Why clean code? Because no stakeholder is interested in productivity drops or having a product that has sluggish performance or frequent crashes.

(3)  One practice I am not talking here about is pair programming.  Some of the most rewarding moments I had in my professional life (and also moments of intense knowledge transfer) are related to pair programming experiences I had with more experienced engineers. I believe it should be encouraged as a good practice inside a team - formally or informally.

(4) Just to give some examples I've worked on, that used this kind of approach: 

The character animation system from SH4 (together with a co-worker and friend): developed as a DLL loaded by a basic engine viewer. Start-up times? Few seconds. We could easily export animations from 3DS Max to the engine and test our system tens of times a day. 

The pathfinding algorithm from SH4 AddOn: I've started hacking a C# GUI app that allowed me to visually check paths on a simple world map generated from game-data, without having to start the game. Again, compilation and start-up times? Seconds.

The AIFramework dll from SH5: hacked as a Python prototype, then coded it in C++ as a dll, loaded by a console application that hosted the test-cases. Restart time? Again seconds.

(5) At least, you have the main product and the application that was used to develop that code.  

(6) Thus, even for simple changes like tuning a hard-coded parameter, the programmer suffers a compilation and a full restart, which is a very lengthy process. Sometimes, the boundaries are so poorly cut that even a slight change could trigger a major recompilation. When this cases occur, the only solution is to locally re-factor every time a problem is encountered, thus slowly improving code over time. 

(7) Adding scripting support to a project, for instance, could, potentially, bring this kind of benefit as well. Since the boundary is naturally enforced by the compiler, the developer is forced to pay more attention to how he organizes his code.  Also, well implemented scripting allows code modules to be developed and tested in an already started application, reducing the compile-start-test-modify overhead.

(8) The not-invented-here syndrome should be avoided at any cost. Good tools are expensive to build and they may not be justified financially if developed for a single project. However, the more sharing goes on and the more projects benefit from valuable technologies and practices, the ratio between initial investment and its returns becomes more and more favorable. Initial development cost is covered by multiple teams and, as sharing is increased, technologies  converge and become more and more useful and easier to use. Again, the snowball effect.

(9) This is not conflicting with the continuous integration principle.The idea is to build a sandbox that allows fast prototyping and short modification times for (new) features, integrate when the feature is almost complete and then keep this sandbox in sync with next changes (an example: a new data import / export pipeline should be developed separately while the previous system continues to work and commit when ready and well tested). It does not mean working on an old branch or separated from the rest of the team. By contrary, changes should be presented continuously and designers and testers asked to validate functionality on a frequent basis.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Software Quality (3)

In my previous two posts (here and here), I've briefly touched some hot subjects:

  • Quality from the user perspective and how important it is to sales. I've presented  some types of issues that hinder smooth customer experience.
  • Internal quality as a requirement for sustainable product development. I've asserted that customer-perceived quality cannot be sustained for long on a shaky ground.
  • We've seen a nightmare scenario that could happen if a well defined and rigorously followed quality management process is not in place. I've showed how this could lead to excessive overtime, slowed-down development, higher costs, lower morale, a bill many times paid by future development.
  • In the footnotes, I've showed that quality is a focus of all true professionals and how true professionals openly discuss and defend their principles.

In this post I will discuss (self) discipline as a basis for building great products and productive environments. I will also describe some practices that the software industry at large uses to attain sustainable quality, thus increasing employee self-esteem and customer happiness.

As software applications become more and more pervasive, penetrating deeply into our lives, so is the increased concern for high reliability and excellent experience. Software market is a very mature place, with a lot of competitors striving to sell roughly similar products to increasingly demanding customers. Concerns with quality began few decades ago, when human life was put for the first time in the hands of software driven machines: think airplanes, rockets, cars, only to name a few. Since then, the talk about reliability has moved to desktop applications, servers, phones - basically, everything you can think of. Of course, the processes needed to ensure bug-free software-driven life support systems are different then those needed to put rapidly on the market a state-of-the-art entertainment application, but they all have something in common: attention to detail, discipline and commitment to excellence.


Maintaining quality is a long-running, tedious process, that demands strength to resist the temptation to bend the rules to finish your work faster. It is very difficult to achieve, as the pressure is high from all sides and the rationale behind sticking to processes is not always apparent and understood by everyone. Even more, the results of applying quality management principles cannot be predictably foreseen, as, if everything goes smooth, no problem arise and people may feel that they spent more work and more money on something that cannot be actually measured. Disaster strikes only if quality is not managed properly, but it strikes later, after glorious results have been shown off and, of course, then, something else can be found to blame. (I use the word "managed" but I don't refer only to managers. Indeed, they should create a framework for people to have courage to defend and encourage the quality of their work but everyone should be held accountable for his/her deeds.)

Discipline manifests in three ways:

  • Sticking to tedious processes that, at times, seem only to make the development harder.
  • Taking time to challenge our work and the processes even in times of crisis (Kaizen). 
  • Sticking to your principles and processes even when external pressure occurs.
  • Working constantly, planning and following plans throughout the entire duration of the project. Indeed, it seems very hard to focus after a difficult ending and when the deadline is two-three years ahead, when requirements will definitely change and people fear their effort will be in vain. It's difficult to explain and find the heart to undertake hard work from day one, yet this is precisely why many projects are delayed, quality is decreased and frustration accumulates. It is very tough, requires thinking ahead, a strong heart and discipline.

In the decades since software management established itself as a full fledged science, processes matured and many companies found ways to ensure enduring quality of their products. More and more, developers become aware of the impact their production discipline has and start to take pride in the sustaining quality of their work, instead of their quick hacks to a local solution. As success stories hit the headlines, we start asking ourselves how they did it.

In the next paragraphs I will discuss mostly from the programmer's perspective, but the same rules can be extrapolated to both design and art and even to project management itself.

Where does the programming time go?

Here is an astonishing fact, that every developer can confirm: each programmer spends up to 80-90% of his/her time not writing code, but trying to understand what he/she or his/her predecessors have done before. Many times he/she fails to understand all facets and introduce subtle bugs.

Digging through sources is, most of the time, a tedious and not rewarding activity. Thus, optimizing by 50% the time spend searching is something that could radically improve life of programmers and has visible results on the budget. Yet this is hard to recognize, because, after spending so much time understanding what others have done, programmers feel the pressure to quickly get out of there by hacking their way to a solution to report a success to their managers (see also The Broken Window Effect). In a culture where re-factoring is not understood, it is difficult to explain why we need the extra time. After all, the results may be even worse and more spaghetti layers added to the already overwhelming complexity. I can even say that full re-engineering of a poorly written module that has thousands of lines of code is so difficult, that we'd better not touch it. Is there an escape? I think so.

Testing and re-factoring:

Some time ago, I read a paper from Microsoft that said that there are only two effective ways to increase quality of code. One is peer code reviews and the other is permanent testing. Many procedures have been created to make room for these and, as time passes, more and more companies embrace test driven development (TDD), pair programming, scrum and other agile methodologies. Even in companies known for not applying agile principles, code reviews executed by peers or by an external audit committee are performed. The outcome of these practices is constant re-factoring. In a word, the code is not left to rot. It is constantly updated and adjusted to the latest specifications.

Is there a point to undertake massive re-factorings at once? I'd be very cautious about that. The risk of  getting a bigger mess or exchange one mess for another is extremely high. However, I am strongly advocating constant, small, incremental updates. When a programmer finds something that starts to rot, he must update it on the spot, not hack something else on top of it. This constant improvement will not change the software into something better over night, but will cultivate a sense of pride and a mentality of constant improvement, shifting the focus from hacking. After all, constant improvement is the second most important trait of real professionals after sharing knowledge with their peers. (Anyway, the two are very much linked and roughly two facets of the same trait).

Code reviews:

The vehicle to encourage re-factoring and sharing is peer code reviews. Two or more developers gather in front of a computer and the programmer just about to commit his/her sources explains to the rest what he has done and why he took the decisions he took. Then the audience suggests a number of changes and the code is committed after the they have been made.

It is very important to understand the benefits of code reviews and the programmer not to take it as he is verified. He is not. He just shares to the world his solution and spreads his knowledge. It is a time of joy, socialization and pride. He is challenged on points he might not have thought of. He is challenged to respect coding standards and, by verbalizing his solution while going once again through his work, he, many times, discovers bugs he might not easily find otherwise. (I've experienced myself code reviews and I was surprised to uncover bugs I've introduced, bugs that, otherwise, would have haunted me later when found by QA).

Code review is very powerful but, unfortunately, some people are stopped by their egos to practice it. In the professional world, such egos should not surface but, since ego is a human trait, it should be taken into consideration. Code reviews are not places for showing off nor evaluation sessions. They are fun gatherings since they basically are just a bunch of professionals discussing what they do and love the most. They also create personal bonds and disseminate knowledge.

Regarding the time investment, usually a code review lasts for something between 10 to 30 minutes, when conducted by 2-3 programmers. At an average of 15 minutes, that means 3 * 15 = 45 minutes, 3/4 man-hours. Consider that, if you find a bug in 2-3 sessions, finding it, testing it, fixing it, regressing it is, by far, more expensive, without considering the other benefits (clean-up, knowledge transfer, bonding, which are harder to measure)


Up until now, we've seen how work discipline is important, what are the most difficult aspects to creating a disciplined working environment but how it positively impacts production. We've also touched re-factoring code, bringing it up to date and code reviews. In the next chapters, I will talk about other vehicles to ensure enduring quality of our products, starting from the base level - the production itself:
  • Working outside the main branch
  • The benefits of test driven development (two clients for the same code); white/black box testing
  • Short compilation and start-up times
  • Prototype-and-improve cycles
  • Scrum and quality management
  • A process for quality management
  • Case study: radical approach: one day per week, developer self managed time
  • Lean thinking

Software Quality (2)

In my previous post, I talked about software quality from the user's perspective. In the final paragraph, I briefly exposed my view on the general framework to achieve such quality - the well known KISS (keep it small and simple) approach to software development.

General Process (statement):

Managing quality on the grand scale is best achieved through:

 1) start with a small set of features
 2) make sure they form a consistent core
 3) implement, adapt, test, polish, bring to perfection.
 4) incrementally add new elements; perceived quality comes first (usability, accessibility, wow moments, visual polish); experience is the product.
 5) resume from 2, redesign and re-implement as needed. change is good and healthy
 6) when the time, the budget and the quality is up-to-par, deliver
 7) offer support, talk.

The beautiful part is that quality management scales down from the whole to each of the components, to the very last line of code, design document or model. In a word, you can't cheat quality. You can't have high perceived quality on a rotten core. Eventually, it could happen for one product, but at the expense of future development and constantly increasing development costs. True professionals have a good and pragmatic understanding of quality and take great pride in applying these principles throughout their work. They stick to their guns to defend quality in all its dimensions when challenged* (see footnotes).

In my future posts, I will drill down and see how we can deliver a high quality feature, then extrapolate to the whole project in the form of a proposed process. But, before that, I will refer to a possible scenario, that can happen when quality management is not seriously considered from the early stages of product development - excessive overtime due to not meeting quality standards**.

The problem with overtime due to quality issues:

1) Faulty or no quality management procedure leads to:
       a) Product looks better on paper than in reality (everything appears as done yet the project has an unknown quality status)
       b) Lack of visibility and a clear estimate of the remaining work

2) Because of the overly optimistic view on the project status, new features creep in. In fact, it is very difficult to freeze development because no solid argument can be given. The papers look good, the project seems to be working and roughly healthy. It is this moment, when the game starts to shape-up, that the designers and artists push to add more and more features to the game, without considering very much the possible inconsistencies***. After all, we still have time to tune an polish and then tune again, right? Not quite!

3) Close to the deadline, as the team moves slowly from features to bug fixing, more and more bugs are discovered. This time usually coincides with the moment when the test team is ramped-up and the product is more and more benchmark-ed against quality standards. Slowly, the real picture creeps in.

4) A vicious circle becomes apparent: more resources are added to the end of the project, effort on integrating new people is unknown and not measured, programmers starts hacking through the code, new and reopened issues rise up, more overtime is needed to fix them, yet tired people make new mistakes and the morale goes down. Although the rate of fixing bugs can be positive and on a very good trend, the hidden code quality is decreasing fast, at the expense of future development****.

An even worse consequence can happen: at a certain point, all development is frozen or heavily slowed down for days or weeks because the build is unplayable and a large part of the team can't work.


* Through civilized communication, active listening and understanding of all opinions. Professionals think in terms of benefit for the customer, cost, industry standards, future investments, return of investment. They don't think of themselves "I am a professional therefore I know what quality means". On the contrary, they are willing to challenge their current perceptions and improve them continuously. Professionalism means modesty and openness to dialogue.

** Overtime can also happen due to the desire to meet a certain market opportunity when the team willingly commits to some seemingly impossible goals, but I will not refer here to this kind of enthusiasm. Most commonly, however, it is a mixture of quality issues, excitement, not finding what is fun soon enough to fit the budget (in game industry) or other scope management issues, all to various degrees. It can be light - few extra hours, maybe a weekend or two once in a while, or it can be worse.

*** It is normal for this to happen because, now, they finally have live feedback on their creative effort. These guys are very passionate and take a lot of pride in their work.

**** As some of the main ingredients of attaining quality are professionalism, excitement and commitment from all the people, excessive overtime is an enemy of quality. While based on previous records we can estimate the needs for overtime in terms of budget buffers, it is important that:
  •  managers and teams proactively try to estimate and find ways to diminish the need for long hours in the office and keep the project on track early, since the conception phase.
  •  stabilization and debug periods are planned throughout the course of the project, in order to maintain the build as close as possible to "release quality" and have a good visibility on how it is doing. 
  • a process is in place to ensure that quality from the user's perspective is attained on solid grounds and that the project is not rotting inside - quality is sustainable on the long run.
While quality and deadlines are the responsibility of the manager, the whole team should actively participate to meet them. After all, it is a sign of professionalism of all sides involved.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Software Quality (1)


I start this thread to lay down some thoughts that haunted me during the past period. I would like to convince the reader that quality matters very much, that one cannot obtain customer satisfaction  unless industry-proven practices are employed throughout the entire course of the project and that failing to implement solid quality management procedures can have very bad consequences. These consequences are reflected in development costs, sales, trust and can span across multiple generations of the same product. In the end, I'd like the reader to retain the idea that focus on quality is the responsibility of all team members. Some hints will be given on how teams achieve excellence in their work, to their own benefit and that of the customer. I write these posts based on my own experiences, articles, books, discussions with friends who also work in the software industry throughout the world, and some projections I made for the future.

Customer Perceived Quality:

Every (software) project has to maintain an optimum balance between quality, cost and time. Provided that we keep cost and time fixed (which is the case for many projects) we have only one degree of freedom left. We need to understand what "quality" is, in order to know how to properly handle it.

To discuss about quality from the user perspective is to discuss about project scope and the number of issues the customers encounter (including documentation). On the other hand, quality is a general term that encompasses also: internal knowledge (code, processes, graphical assets), internal and external communication, management and the sense of self fulfillment of all stakeholders (team, all parties). On a broader sense I would like to link quality to professionalism and success, excluding the financial part* (see footnotes).

In this post I will refer to customer perceived quality:

  • Project scope: arguably, but a project that has a higher number of features should provide more usage scenarios and therefore should have a higher (potential) value for the customer (personally I like simple stuff but that is another story).
  • Broken features ("hard" bugs): features that don't function the way they were obviously designed to function (like crashes or a button that does nothing when pressed)
  • Design errors ("soft" bugs): features that function according to design, yet they are hard to use, have uncertain value, don't really satisfy user needs, are inconsistent, etc.
  • Perceived quality - degree of polish, nice touches, attention to detail, wow moments and, very important, smooth performance
  • Product documentation - should be large enough to cover all aspects, yet concise and easy to read by the target audience - I will not cover documentation here, as it is a vast subject.

If the bare minimum functionality is not implemented, the project is no good. Imagine a submarine without a periscope: it's inconceivable and useless. On the other hand, a submarine crew that has fewer animations than initially planned could be considered acceptable, as long as it is consistent and the number is above a bare minimum to provide some immersion and give a clue of what the crew is doing. In this case, people have a fuzzy understanding of what the optimum number of animations is (of course, the more the better, but more providing diminishing returns) and less animations are not true barriers to functionality (personally, I would choose to have less functions but highly polished. Given the animation example, I would think very carefully if I want this feature at all if I cannot bring it close to perfection).

The key for "hard bugs" is to obtain a low reproduction rate, no game breakers and no fully broken functionality. There is a threshold that must not be passed but, a random crash once in a while (very rare!) is acceptable, as long as the load times are short and no (significant) progress is lost. Also, this kind of bugs are easily caught by the test teams, so they are usually fixed before the release. The least damaging are bugs like those in the "flickering textures far away when the light falls from a certain angle" class. They don't disturb too much, don't affect progress in any way and, as long as they happen randomly, could be considered almost no issue.

Design deficiencies are: inconsistencies, lack of usability, lack of accessibility, crappy functionality that no one understands.  Some design errors are quick hacks for a deeper (technical / concept / budget) problem. Everybody knows about them, nobody is proud of them. The second category of design deficiencies is what I call "the elitist design", which is "good core but misunderstood and poorly explained" (at large or by some less experienced players). On the opposite side, comes the "dumb-ed down symptom". Generally speaking, a large project scope fosters design inconsistencies. Some design errors are hard to spot and require extensive play / usability tests. The problem is that the team knows the product so well, that they become blind to this kind of issues. Therefore, external help is needed.

As long as the above deficiencies are kept to an acceptable level and the product has optimum performance in terms of speed and smoothness,  small enhancements like flooding inside the submarine, washed periscope lenses, provide real value and increase the perceived quality. On the other hand, easily observable visual or audio bugs, although may not deeply hinder game-play mechanics, dramatically decrease the sensation of quality. Very important, a visible and firm support policy is a certain way to improve perception from our customers.

To conclude, my feeling is that, in order to maximize the quality of a software product, the best approach is to "stay small and continuously polish". This leads to a product that has fewer but better polished features. Keeping the number of elements low maintains a higher degree of manageability and saves time for iterations.

Quality is very expensive yet, today, quality sells. Due to increased market competition, customers are having higher-than-ever quality demands and not meeting them is certainly affecting sales both on the short and on the long run - through tainted image and brand. Due to the ubiquity of the Internet, customers easily create to themselves an image of the project before purchase and this image sticks**. Web pages, reviews remain for years.

As the marketing people say, experience is the product so a lot of effort has to be put into the perceived quality: visual / audio polish, accessibility, beauty, usability, minimum workload for the user. Starting from a small core of must-haves, then incremental enhancements, gives time to perfecting the product. Late cutting results in hard-to-eliminate inconsistencies, panic and, in the end, shipping a less-than-par experience.


* It could happen that a project that has a high quality standard and its customers are very happy with it is not performing well financially. However, a project that is not meeting quality standards yet is performing well financially cannot be categorized as a success. Cost is only transferred to the next generation, both in terms of perception (brand, company image) and in terms of internal quality (code, documentation, graphical assets, processes, etc...). 

** Management of expectations and of communities is more important than ever in the days of the Internet. After all, unhappy customers are the most vocal online, as they find the web as an accessible, wide-audience platform to express their frustration. Managing the product image actively through open communication channels with the customers is a way to ensure that the product is evaluated to its true level and it is not drowned in discontent.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Public Speaking Support Group - Playing Guitar

Public Speaking Support Group - this Saturday I'll talk about something I love - music. Below, I've inserted the mind map I've created to build my speech. I will support my performance by bringing on one of my guitars and let the participants practice some very simple chords and tunes I'll show them. I'm very anxious to see how it goes. Looking forward to Saturday! :)

(Thanks Wikipedia and Google for images and quotations :))

Here is a picture from the event (added later):

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Difficult People

We, sometimes, have to deal with difficult people during meetings. They show aggressiveness and insolence - or, at least, we perceive their attitude as hostile. It's important to handle these situations up front in order to keep the team intact, decrease the opportunity for gossip and make everyone a little bit happier. It is important to remember that these people may actually have real issues that drive them to behave the way they do, that they believe their attitude is justified and that knowing their issues and trying to solve them could improve the atmosphere in the team. Other people may share the same feelings, although not expressed openly. Dealing with difficult people is also a great way to display leadership and drive by example.

I've sketched a small mind-map (work in progress) for this matter. It briefly scratches the subject and merely shows the attitude (ask for details) one leader might have when confronted with a difficult situation. Here it is:

In the end, it is important to remember that:
  1. Troublemakers may be people who care about the project but feel frustration
  2. They may have issues shared by others in the team
  3. Trouble-making may be a wrong way to attract attention
  4. Troublemakers may give you headaches in the future if not addressed properly early on
  5. The best way to ease them is to give them what they want, while evading the conflict triangle (victim-aggressor-rescuer):
    1. Be heard - some recognition
    2. Change something
  6. It is important to follow-up the conflict:
    1. Results
    2. Ask for feedback if the troublemaker was right
    3. Show him what went wrong and that he may have not behaved properly, although he was right
What do you think? How do you proceed?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Empowering Entrepreneurs

I'd like to announce a very interesting project, targeted especially towards young entrepreneurs, called Empowering Entrepreneurs: (a project by JCI Bucharest)

The project consists of meetings, held at the "Bucharest Hubb", between participants and the coach Mihai Stanescu. The aim is to help young business starters share expertise, network and acquire new skills to develop their ideas.

Currently, there are 2 sessions planned:
  • Innovative management methods – 19 June 2010
  • Practical solutions to develop your business – 3 iulie 2010
but, probably, there will be more.

I have the chance to help on this project (spare-time activity, volunteer work), side by side with some very enthusiastic friends (Alex Gavriliu (, Bogdan Borza and Andreea Tanasescu) but we also got help from Giani Cojan and Mihnea Ilicevici.


Some noteworthy ideas discussed, through practical examples and live coaching:
  • need for self discipline - exercised through daily routines and commitment to schedules
  • need for planning (in life and in business)
  • need for benchmarking against the initial plan
  • equilibrium and how it can be attained through self discipline
  • working and always learning and improving

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Programming "Don't Forget!"'s

Because sometimes it happens that we forget simple things, I'd like to share with you a small map of things to remember (and check) for your next (or current) Visual C++ software project. Some concepts are true for other platforms as well, but the parameters are VC++ specific.

The mind map is not by far exhaustive and I'd be delighted to collaborate with programmers or software managers from all over the world to share expertise. Therefore, if you would like to discuss further and, maybe, enhance the map together, I'd be happy to share the XMind file that includes also links to resources on the web.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Thinking about my career, I realized that, what I think characterizes me the most, is the desire to create great, beautiful, useful and fun, inspiring and easy to use (software) products. Why does this matter? Being a manager is a daily process, a job (a very fun and motivating one, it is true) but not a purpose per se. It is how one contributes to the end result. I think that much more relevant is the underlying reason of why to be a manager. And that, for me, a great part of that reason seems to be the end product. Why is this important? Because, based on this insight, I can build my inner motivation, pick future roles and have a better defined professional purpose. This way, I can choose a wider range of positions, that would allow me to have the greatest impact possible on the outcome of the projects I'm involved in.

Further more, these projects bleed into my private life as well. They consume a lot of thought, a lot of time and emotional investment; they are a big part of who I am, life seems to revolve around them for long periods of time. Feeling good about the end result is almost as important as feeling good about yourself.

(me, wearing my SH5 T-Shirt, when meeting with friends)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Taking Charge Of My Life

Yesterday it stroke me. For a long time I was thinking how to increase my professional performance yet mix it with my personal life, while maintaining this balance on the long and sustainable run. I felt that something had to be done, that I was missing something, some attitude that I could not verbalize.

What I realized is that I needed to take charge of my life and run it like I would run a business. After all, one's  greatest asset to manage is himself and his time. Actively managing them, brings up many benefits  like:
  • Always having a clear scope and a target to reach, focus
  • Taking full ownership and responsibility of what I am doing
  • Paying attention to all signals around me, actively gathering feedback from everywhere - after all, I have a "business" to run
  • Feeling more alive, having more energy
  • Becoming better and better, personally and professionally.
This kind of attitude has reflections everywhere around: being more focused and more present, you inspire others to do the same. It's nothing specific - it's a mindset that makes you strong and confident.

One of the greatest assets of a team or person is ownership - the sense that he/she is part of the project, that he/she cares about his/her work and the sense that his/her performance directly impacts him/her in a positive way. Taking care of your life in a business-like manner, means that you perform everywhere like an entrepreneur. You don't feel that you work for a somebody else, that you obey directives hoping that one more day will pass, but rather you are an agent, work for yourself and have a contract with a company, a contract that you fulfill because it is in your mutual interest. - it's a mindset that cultivates ownership and performance - in you and in others.

This mindset allows one to be responsible of his/her actions and not blame others for his/her failures to act. Being in charge gives you strength and enhances your will. It also forces you to pay attention to what is around you and react fast. This increases optimism and courage to perform.

Taking charge of your life means having confidence in yourself. And having confidence means removing mental barriers and allowing peak performance. It has a snowball effect - personal performance increases your confidence and experience and, as a result, it means performing better and leading your life in a better way. Only benefits. :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Public Speaking Support Group (+Giving Feedback)

It was the second time today when I participated in the Public Speaking Support Group meeting. What is this all about? Well, it's about a bunch of people who love speaking in public, who need these skills in their everyday work and who decided that it's time to do something. It's a diverse group, with different backgrounds, from different domains but all with a positive attitude, willing to go beyond "I'd like to overcome my fear of appearing in front of other individuals" and who actually make the step to become better public speakers.

During a session, held in a nice cafe in the Dorobanti area, with wifi, food and very good coffee, several participants stepped forward to present to the others something about them - a passion (like Tango for instance), a project (like Silent Hunter 5 :) ), something they encounter in their everyday job or something that animates them. It's not only about speaking in public, it's also about intriguing topics and mind opening. It's about speaking about what one loves, so all presentations come straight from the heart. After the talk, everyone gives feedback on how it went and also the participant is asked to share how he / she felt.

Today we talked about branding, about censorship, about presentation preparation and about giving feedback. Overall, it's a really great experience, that goes beyond public speaking into sharing expertise, personal development and networking with great and enthusiastic people.

Just to give you an example, today I talked about giving feedback. My presentation was not a technical one - teaching style - but rather explained my view on giving feedback and shared my thoughts on the matter. While I, myself, have to learn a lot about the subject (both in theory, and, especially, in practice) some of the points covered were:

a) Why it's important to give feedback:
- An opportunity to exchange information and build a communication bridge between all parties
- Self development - takes courage and self control to give an honest feedback
- Self esteem - feels good to tell what you think and do the right think
- Chance of improvement, chance of changing things
- Motivation through recognition
- Chance to find solutions not distribute guilt

b) How to give feedback
- Location and attitude (climate of confidence and trust)
- Positive state of mind, free of anger, willing to do good
- Know exactly WHY yo give feedback, what is the purpose
- Focus on facts and behavior and not on persons
- Importance of not being afraid of giving bad news
- Sandwisch technique
- Asking for feedback on feedback
- Balanced feedback

Looking forward to the next session, held two weeks from now in the same cafe, in the Dorobanti plaza.

Here is a link to a session that was video recorded a few weeks ago (I was not present then and it was not held in the nice cafe in Dorobanti but it's the only video reference I've got):

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some Management Style Conclusion at the End of the Project

• Rebellious spirit – I’d rather have a small revolution when I make a mistake then no reaction. A small revolution means people actually care. I’d rather have somebody to challenge from time to time “the way we work around here” than somebody who always does exactly what I say. Of course, it should be done in a respectful, polite and open manner and everyone be opened to discussion and mutual understanding. It does not mean lack of discipline nor insolence.

• Respect – Nobody knows better than somebody else. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion about anything and should not be criticized for that. We encourage team work. Rudeness, gossip and despise have no place in my team. Criticizing in public a person or an idea is also forbidden. When we judge, we judge facts and not persons.

• Thinking outside procedures – procedures are good as long as they serve the project. When they don’t, they should be dropped. I will never – ever punish someone for stepping out of the rules to try something better.

• Involvement and autonomy – My honest opinion is that everyone knows better than the manager what has to be done in his/her own field. Therefore, fostering autonomy and involvement is the only way to make the step toward great products. Obedience maybe will finish the project in time, but the quality bar will be low, the number of features minimal. I a word, mediocre.

• Encourage experiments and never punish failure as the only way to move forward and allow people to be courageous about their jobs.

• Work environment - play games, natural light, and fresh air – extremely important.

• Fun is made with fun. Involvement is obtained through fun and not through orders.

• Recognition - works much better than punishment

• Whiteboards work better than excel files at sharing information (at least they force you to be concise) – too bad I used them scarcely and only at the end of the project (maybe next time I'll do it better)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Silent Hunter 5 Finally Out! Champagne!

After many months (years) of hard work, we finally did it! Silent Hunter 5 is out and players all over the world are enjoying the game!

Beta Preview:

A consistent part of the team, the second day after Gold Master

Champagne! Cheers to the team!

A very beautiful and powerful community video: (Youtube, search "silent hunter stabizisback")

And on the cover of the Romanian computer magazines: